It’s hard to imagine what life will be like ten years from now. Moreover it’s also almost impossible to know what type of personal transformation you might go through in the future. According to recent studies changing your personality over time is unavoidable if you change your circumstances. You might have a number of questions regarding your personal transformation journey:

What kind of person will I be in 10 years?

Will I be married?

Will I have kids?

What kind of career will I have?

Sometimes, it can be tempting to focus on all the things that could go wrong. But if we want to live happy and fulfilling lives, we must focus on the positive, and a lot of positivity springs from your own personality.

 So, let’s picture a scenario where everything has gone right. In ten years, I will be healthy and happy. Family and friends surround me, and I have a job that I love. I’m doing work that makes a difference and makes a good income. Every day, I wake up feeling extremely excited about what the day will bring. This is the life that I’m striving for, and I know that it’s possible to achieve.

To be successful in anything you do, it is essential that you first have a strong understanding of who you are as a person. This includes your strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and desires. Creating goals that align with what you truly want in life will be difficult without this knowledge.

Here are the most important personality traits you need to master in order to understand and change your personality:


The first and most important personality trait you need to master is self-awareness. This means clearly understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values and motivations.

Once you know these important elements about yourself, it becomes much easier to set goals and make plans that align with what you want to achieve. Without self-awareness, it’s too easy to get caught up in activities that don’t matter to you, or end up in relationships that aren’t supportive or healthy.


Self-discipline is essential to achieve any goal. It’s the ability to stay focused on your goal and resist distractions or temptations. It takes practice and determination to develop self-discipline, but it’s worth it because it can help you achieve anything you wish to.

Self-disciplined people have better time management skills, are more productive, and are less likely to procrastinate. They’re also able to stick to their goals even when things get tough.

How can Present Self Mastery Course help you on the path to Personal transformation

The Present Self Mastery course will examine and reflect on your personal characteristics in depth. Your personality will be revealed with the world’s most recognized personality test, the 5 Big Traits Personality model. With this knowledge of yourself, you can better understand how you interact with others, find out your strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for personal development. Let’s get started!

The 5 Big Traits Personality model is a framework for understanding personality. It was developed by psychologists Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck and is based on the fact that certain traits are universal across cultures.

The model includes five broad trait domains: openness to experience (O), conscientiousness (C), extraversion (E), agreeableness (A), and neuroticism (N).

Openness to experience (O)

Individuals who score high in Openness to Experience are curious, imaginative, and interested in new ideas and experiences. They are often described as “intellectual” or “cerebral,”, and they tend to enjoy art, music, and other forms of creativity.

On the other hand, anyone who scores low is more down-to-earth and conventional. They prefer familiar objects and experiences, and they often have a strong preference for routine over novelty. Although people with different levels of Openness to Experience can get along well, they sometimes find each other’s interests puzzling or irritating.

Conscientiousness (C)

It measures how well people regulate their impulses, how much they plan and organize their behavior, and how dutiful they are. People who score high on conscientiousness are typically disciplined, reliable, and hardworking. They often excel in school and work, making good friends and loyal partners.

People who score low on conscientiousness are typically more spontaneous and less reliable. They may have difficulty sticking to a job or completing a task and may be less likely to follow through on commitments.

However, they may also be more fun-loving and outgoing than their more conscientious counterparts. Ultimately, the level of conscientiousness is just one factor that contributes to a person’s personality.

Extraversion (E)

Extraverts are outgoing, sociable, and enjoy being around others. They tend to be energetic and enthusiastic and often seek out new experiences. Research has shown that extroverts are likelier than introverts to succeed in leadership roles as they are more likely to take calculated risks, which can lead to positive and negative outcomes.

While extroverts may seem to have an advantage in many areas of life, they also tend to be more impulsive and less likely to think through their decisions. This can sometimes lead to problems, especially when combined with a risk-taking personality. Extraversion is a complex personality trait that can help and hinder individuals in different situations.

Agreeableness (A)

Agreeableness is one of the five major traits identified in the study of personality psychology. Anyone who scores high in agreeableness is typically described as friendly, cooperative, and altruistic. Conversely, those who score low in agreeableness are often seen as being more cold and calculating.

Interestingly, research has shown that agreeableness is not simply a matter of being nice or well-liked. In fact, it is often associated with a number of positive outcomes, including better mental and physical health, increased job satisfaction, and even longer life expectancy. At the same time, agreeableness is also linked to some less desirable traits, such as gullibility and submissiveness.

Ultimately, then, like all personality traits, agreeableness exists on a continuum, and it is the individual’s position on that continuum that determines whether he or she will be seen as agreeable or not.

Neuroticism (N).

Neuroticism is a continuous spectrum that measures how likely a person is to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, anger, or insecurity.

Anyone high in neuroticism tends to be more sensitive to stress and more easily overwhelmed by their emotions. They struggle to regulate their emotions and react strongly to even small stressors.

On the other hand, people who are low in neuroticism are generally more emotionally stable and better able to cope with stress. While everyone experiences some degree of stress and anxiety, people with high neuroticism may find it more difficult to manage these emotions daily.

Last thoughts on Present Self Mastery Course and Personal Transformation

Each person falls on a spectrum for each domain, which can give you a better understanding of your personality. Understanding where you fall on these spectrums can be helpful in a number of different important areas of life.

For example, a customer-facing job might not be the best fit if you’re an introvert who prefers calmer surroundings. However, that job could be perfect if you’re a strong extrovert who loves working with people. Or if you’re very detail-oriented, a job that requires excellent organizational skills could be ideal.

After taking our in-depth Present Self Mastery course, you’ll be able to use that knowledge to make better decisions about life goals, relationships and career paths. So why not give it a try? You might just be surprised by what you learn about yourself!

Click here to learn more about our online course.